One of the most popular and easiest scripts available is called Calendar Wizard, written by Scott Selberg (based on ideas and code written by Jan Suhr, Robert Cornelius, and Steve Nichols). If you need more flexibility than a template offers, consider using a script to build your calendar for you. note that most of these templates have paragraph styles for each calendar element, so changing the typefaces and overall look and feel of the calendar is typically as simple as editing a few styles. Chuck Green’s The InDesign Ideabook includes several calendars on its accompanying disc. You can also find calendar templates for a small fee. For example, if January 1 begins on a Monday, you’d apply that particular master page layout to your January document page. these contain 28 different master pages, each of which reflect one possible month layout. While most are year-specific, there are a couple called “25-year calendars,” such as the clever one rusty Wright built. Search for the word “calendar” in the InDesign section at the Adobe exchange and you’ll find a number of free templates. One of the best and easiest ways to make a calendar is to use a template designed by someone else. The trick is to download a template or script that does a lot of the work for you. But it’s so easy to make a calendar in InDesign that it’s as though the program did have such a feature. Fortunately, InDesign offers a “make me a calendar” feature… no, sorry, not really. I’m always amazed at how many people need to make calendars: big calendars, small calendars, one-month calendars, full-year calendars.